Live news reporting

Why You Need a Live Content Strategy in 2024

Why You Need a Live Content Strategy in 2024
Norkon Team
February 16, 2023

In recent years, live content has become a staple in the digital landscape, giving audiences an up-to-date snapshot of events as they happen. With the ability to capture real-time content, live coverage or live blogging allows for more comprehensive and engaging coverage than ever before. But how does this actually benefit journalism and translate into monetization opportunities? In this blog, we’ll look at what live coverage is, the benefits it offers and how news providers can profit from it.

What is Live Coverage?

Let’s start by looking at what live coverage actually is. Live coverage involves real-time reporting of events as they happen and providing up-to-date coverage on a particular topic or issue. This can be done in conjunction with a variety of platforms, such as social media, websites, and mobile apps. By having access to this real-time content, audiences feel more connected with the events taking place and can stay on top of the latest developments.

The types of content that are ideal for a live coverage strategy include:

  • Sports
  • Events
  • Politics
  • Pop Culture (TV, Award Shows, etc.)
  • Other breaking news

Considering today’s consumer habits for content, news, or entertainment, “live” or as close to “live” as possible has become the new norm (i.e. live tweeting or live streaming).

Benefits of Live Coverage

There are several benefits of using live coverage as a strategy for newspapers:

Real-time coverage

Publishing live coverage allows newspapers to provide real-time coverage of breaking news, events, and other time-sensitive stories. This contributes to keeping readers engaged and informed while establishing the newspaper as a trusted source of news.

Increased engagement

A live coverage platform providing reach features may increase engagement with their target audience, as readers can follow along with the coverage, leave comments or ask questions to experts on the subject. This contributes to building a sense of community around the newspaper and its coverage.


Live covering or blogging is a cost-effective way to cover events and breaking news. It doesn’t require as many resources as traditional reporting, such as camera crews, and it can be done from anywhere with a mobile and an internet connection.

SEO benefits

Live coverage contributes to improve SEO and increased visibility around a specific topic or event in a short amount of time. As a consequence, newspapers rank higher in search engines and benefit from greater traffic to their website.

Ad revenue

Live coverage and live feed provide numerous opportunities to pursue monetization strategies with local, peronalized advertisement options, affiliate revenue, and even betting placements in case of sporting coverage and feed.


Live Center: Cover News as it Happens

A live coverage strategy offers many benefits and monetization opportunities for news outlets, both in terms of increased visibility and ad revenue. By understanding what live coverage is and how it can be used effectively, news providers are able to build their digital audience around it and capitalize on all the potential that this platform has to offer.

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